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Reaching Our Community & Beyond

Jesus calls all Christians to "make disciples of all nations." Because of this, we are intentional in embodying the love of Christ to the world around us both through organized programs and informal, relational settings. A central theme of our outreach efforts is the value of ongoing, intentional relationships between Christ-followers and those around them.

Outdoor Barbecue

Living as "Backyard Missionaries"


Everyone has "spheres of influence" in their neighborhood, workplace, family, and friendship circles. God calls us to be Christ's ambassadors in our spheres of influence by embodying His love in practical ways and by making the most of every opportunity to point people to Jesus. We like to say that "the Gospel flows best over the bridge of relationships," so we seek to build caring, trusting relationships across which the Gospel can flow so more people will experience the life that Jesus offers.

Image by Capturing the human heart.

Global Missions


Friedens dedicates 12% of our income to sending and supporting trained and equipped workers across barriers or boundaries for spiritual purposes, with the goal of making disciples of Jesus and bringing God’s work of redemption to the world. We partner with eleven missionaries both in the U.S. and other regions of the world, providing encouragement, prayer, and financial support. 


GlobalFingerprints - Nagpur, India

Friedens partners with the EFCA's (our denomination) child sponsorship program to offer healthy nutrition and a good education to help children and families break out of the cycle of poverty. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please contact us so that we can connect you with the Nagpur site. 

Image by Matheus Ferrero

Adoption Support Groups

Support groups for men and women meet monthly to support foster and adoptive parents.

Grief share logo.png



Offered about twice a year, GriefShare is a 13-week support group. People are welcome to begin attending at any point; each session is "self-contained," so you do not have to attend in sequence. The weekly group time includes a video seminar, support group discussion, and an at-home workbook. Cost is $20. See our events page or contact us using the form below to find out when the next group will be offered.


Financial Peace University

With Financial Peace University, you'll learn the proven plan to pay off debt fast and save more money for your future. Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson course that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. For over 25 years, Dave Ramsey’s been teaching commonsense, biblical money principles that work. Every time. $90 per family. Meets weekly for nine weeks. See our events page or contact us using the form below to find out when the next group will be offered.

Special Events & Groups

We frequently host movie nights, neighborhood parties, community blood drives, and are a drop off location for our local food pantry. See our events page for info on upcoming events and current group offerings.


454 N Milwaukee St.

Port Washington, WI 53074


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©2023 by Friedens Church

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