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Missions Update

Matt Hampson

by Matt Hampson

As we continue on with giving updates of our missionaries throughout the world we would like to update you on Jason and Christa who are missionaries in Asia.

Jason and Christa focus on making disciples and they carry this out by coming alongside the local church in the areas of university outreach, medical training, and compassion ministry.

They are currently having a difficult time figuring out how to minister to the local church. Their area has very strict COVID restrictions which has hindered their church from meeting in person for almost two years. They also have struggles with watching sermons virtually as many of those platforms are being blocked.

They have been encouraged by smaller group meetings in restaurants or homes which has allowed pastors to grow closer to the congregation. In this we rejoice and praise God for ministry in the midst of a difficult situation.

Their campus ministry has been greatly impacted by COVID restrictions as well since anytime there are a couple COVID cases in their city the University goes on lockdown and students cannot leave campus to meet and continue to build relationships. They have had some success with online hangouts and online ministry with the students, but nothing beats meeting in person.

There is some good news though, Jason and Christa are very thankful they had a new teammate join them in their ministry. This is exciting as they will be able to reach more people now.

Please be in prayer for Jason and Christa and their local church, that the believers in their area will feel encouraged and find peace and rest in Jesus. Please pray that the COVID restrictions can let up a bit so they can continue in ministry and sharing Jesus with the community in a more effective way, pray for the teammate that has recently joined that it can be a smooth transition and a great fit. Please also pray for their family as travel and visiting has become nearly impossible.




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Port Washington, WI 53074


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